Top 10 Iranian universities in producing science

08 September 2013 | 02:30 Code : 888 archive news
Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) introduced top 10 Iranian universities in producing science.
Top 10 Iranian universities in producing science

Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) introduced top 10 Iranian universities in producing science.
Based on ISC data, three top universities in producing science in Iran are: Tehran University, Allameh Tabataba’I University and University of Isfahan.

The number of Tehran University Persian articles is 8512 which is in the first rank and the second rank belongs to Allameh Tabataba’I University with 3550 articles which all are indexed in ISC.

The ranks of 3rd to 5th respectively belong to: University of Isfahan (3496 articles), Tarbiat Modares University (2835 articles) and Shahid Beheshti University (2510 articles).

Ferdowsi University of mashhad with 1978 articles and Shiraz University with 1623 articles are in the ranks of 6th and 7th.

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