Iran among 100 top universities

17 April 2013 | 02:30 Code : 741 archive news
According to the Public Relations Office of International and Scientific Cooperation, Dr. Jafar Mehrad, the president of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) said: “with the release of the most recent ranking of universities by Times Institute, I.R of Iran is in this rankling for the first time and Iran is among 100 top universities of Asia. In addition to the ranking of Sharif University of Technology that always has had the top spot, there are two other universities as well.”
Iran among 100 top universities

According to the Public Relations Office of International and Scientific Cooperation report, Dr. Jafar Mehrad, the President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) said: “with the release of the most recent ranking of universities by Times Institute, I.R of Iran is in this rankling for the first time and Iran is among 100 top universities of Asia. In addition to the ranking of Sharif University of Technology that always has had the top spot, there are two other universities as well.”
Newly released university rankings in Asia in April 11th, 2013 by Times indicate that Tokyo University is the first and Kyoto University is among 10 top universities in this ranking. Japan has 5 top universities among 20 universities and 11 top universities among 50 universities in Asia. Regarding this, Japan has the most powerful universities in Asia because of the large investment in Higher Education and scientific researches.
In the Middle East, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia have dedicated the most universities to themselves among 100 top universities in Asia. It is worthwhile to mention that for the first time, I.R. of Iran in Times ranking is among 100 top universities in Asia, in addition to Sharif University of Technology with the ranking of 42, there are two other Iranian universities in this list which are Tehran University of Medical Science ranked 62 and Isfahan University ranked 95.
Dr. Mehrad added that in recent years, Malaysia has focused on more programs to have international universities and in this regard it has been able to attract many students from vary countries. Accordingly, Malaysia Kebangsaan University for the first time, has approved 87 ranking in Times ranking.
It is fruitful to mention that Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iran has developed since 20 years ago and the effect of this progression is obvious in international rankings and science production. However, Iran needs more effective policies to develop education. In this case, budget plays a key role in higher education investment which managing and conducting it, will lead to promotion.
President of Islamic World Science Citation (ISC) mentioned that there is good news in recent years about absorbing international students that will lead to international programs in Iran hopefully.

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