Sharif University of Technology in the List of Top 350 World Universities

08 October 2011 | 01:30 Code : 210 archive news
President of the Islamic World Science Citation Center stated that: according to the newest ranking of the world universities by Times Ranking System, Sharif University of Technology, as the only university of Islamic Republic of Iran was ranked in the list of 300 to 350 Top world universities
Sharif University of Technology in the List of Top 350 World Universities

President of the Islamic World Science Citation Center stated that: according to the newest ranking of the world universities by Times Ranking System, Sharif University of Technology, as the only university of Islamic Republic of Iran was ranked in the list of 300 to 350 Top world universities.
Times Ranking System introduces 200 Top world universities and 400 world’s most reputable universities annually. In this system, Tokyo University with a rank of 30 is the first top university in Asia in 2011. Hong Kong University, Singapore National University, Peking university, Kyoto University of Japan, Pohang University of Science and Technology in South Korea, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University of China, Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology ,Tokyo Institute of Technology are ranking in second to tenth places respectively.
Based on Times Ranking System, Bar-llan university in Palestine, Bogazici university in Turkey, India Institute of Technology, Keio University in Japan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in china, Sharif University of Technology in Iran and SKK University in Korea are in the list of 300 to 350 Top world Asian universities.

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