Changes in information system of ranking website of Islamic World Science Citation Center

25 May 2011 | 02:30 Code : 167 archive news
Ranking website ( in ISC in which the list of ranked universities and research centers was shown in PDF file has been changed and telephone number, address, website and other information related to universities and research centers are accessible now. <br/>
Changes in information system of ranking website of Islamic World Science Citation Center

Ranking website ( in ISC in which the list of ranked universities and research centers was shown in PDF file has been changed and telephone number, address, website and other information related to universities and research centers are accessible now.
In ranking management section, rank of each university or research center is saved based on ranking year and is accessible through this website.
In this website the list of ranked universities and research centers is specified in 4 groups of universities related to:
1- Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
2- Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education
3- Azad universities
4- and research cent

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