ISC Participate in ASAIHL BT Meeting

16 December 2020 | 10:59 Code : 1506 News Important News

Bangkok. 15th Dec. 2020

According to the Office of International and Scientific Cooperation of ISC, the “One Hundred and Fifty-Second Meeting of the ASAIHL Board of Trustees” was held, and Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) has also participated as one of its Iranian BT members.

The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 1956 in Bangkok. Its aim is to assist member institutions to strengthen themselves through mutual self-help to achieve distinction in teaching, research, and public service, thereby contributing to their respective nations and beyond. Established in Bangkok in January 1956, it is one of the oldest regional organizations in Southeast Asia. As of 2016 the ASAIHL Secretary-General is Dr Ninnat Olanvoravuth of Chulalongkorn University.

In the very beginning, ASAIHL Suchatvee Suwansawat called the meeting to welcome all Board members to Colombo for the ASAIHL Conference on Revitalizing Higher Education for Sustainable Development.

In this VC meeting held among ASAIHL Board of Trustees members, the Board approved the Minutes of the 151st meeting of the ASAIHL Board held in Manila, the Philippines on 24 July 2019.

Accordingly, Ambassador Alireza Sheikh Attar informed the Board that the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) will soon respond to the requested clarification concerning the procedure to help index ASAIHL research scientific journals in its Science Citation Database to improve University Ranking.

Succeeding this, ASAIHL subvention was increased to US$15,000 to help defray the costs of hosting an ASAIHL Conference due to inflation and rising costs of organizing a conference.

Following the affirmed agenda, Tentative Program of Future Conferences has been approved, including:

  1. University of Warsaw will host a conference on Bridges for Science and Education in Poland 17-19 June 2021 with the following sub-themes:
  • Cooperation: inter-universities educational programs
  • Trust: the basis for integration in education
  • Openness: a cross-cultural workshop-how to understand each other
  • Creativity in science: cross-disciplinary/interdisciplinary
  • for registration
  1. Naresuan University will host the 30th Anniversary Conference on Academic Integrity in the 21st Century 14-16 December 2021 near the old Capital of Sukhothai in Thailand.
  • Medical treatment and products in health service system
  • Think earth: adaptation of technology and innovation
  • Shaping ethical global citizens through education
  1. University of Science & Technology Hanoi will host a Conference on Cooperation toward Excellence in Science and Technology Training in Hanoi in June 2021 with three subthemes:
  • Current challenges in Science & Technology Training.
  • E-learning in Science and Technology Training.
  • International cooperation to prepare future global leaders
  1. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) will host the ASAIHL Conference on Humanizing Higher Education in December 2021.
  2. Keuka College is planning an ASAIHL Conference at one campus in China in June 2022.
  3. An ASAIHL Conference will be held in Cambodia in December 2022.
  4. Islamic Azad University will host an ASAIHL Conference in June 2023.
  5. Indonesia will plan for an ASAIHL Conference in December 2023.

tags: asaihl board of trustees video confernce

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