University of Tehran is Top among the Islamic World Universities

10 February 2011 | 02:30 Code : 147 archive news
Prof. Mehrad, president of the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, comparing the status of Iran’s scientific productions before and after the Islamic Revolution, said that the scientific production of Iran ranks 22 in the world. This country is also in the second rank among the regional countries. Moreover, according to the latest statistics the University of Tehran is the top university of the Islamic world. This university with nearly 1500 articles is first among the university and research centers of the Islamic countries.<br/><br/>
University of Tehran is Top among the Islamic World Universities

ISI, SCOPUS, and ISC are the systems which control scientific productions based on scientometric and citation analysis criteria.

Prof. Mehrad, said that before the Islamic Revolution citation systems like ISI existed but the small amount of Iran’s scientific publications caused these systems to ignore to include the name of this country in the systems which evaluated and measured scientific productions. However, after the Iran-Iraq war the growth of universities and publication of research articles caused Iran’s scientific productions to flourish among the Islamic countries. Now, Iran is second among the regional and Islamic countries and it is in the rank 22 of the world scientific production.


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