The qualitative growth of Iranian articles based on the statistics of citation databases

07 January 2023 | 11:27 Code : 1934 News Important News

Office of International Scientific Cooperation, Jan. 7. 2023

At the end of 2022, Iran has been still in the 15th place in science production (of course, the definite place will be determined in a few months), Iranian articles’ H index (the impact factor) is 410, it has 70000 articles in WoS and 77000 articles in Scopus.

Among 57 Islamic countries, Iran has a close competition with Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but it must be said that if Iran does not provide the necessary infrastructure and budgets, it will fall behind.

Iran is currently has got the first place among Islamic countries and the region. It has less than 20 researchers among 0.1 highly-cited researchers, but the number of 1% highly-cited researchers is more than 800, while the number of 2% 1% highly-cited researchers is more than 1900.

Iran science production is at a high quality level and there are about 9 million citations to our productions. The number of articles per faculty members in all universities is 1, and it is 2/10 for graduate students.

70% of Iran’s science production comes from universities over forty years old, and industrial universities are also in good condition.

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